Analog audio storage device using magnetic tape.
Type of tape machine for playing and recording audio compact cassettes.
Examples for "tape recorder"
Examples for "tape recorder"
1The CIA taped him at great length, but the tape recorder malfunctioned.
2French set the envelope and a tape recorder on the empty bed.
3Barrett took his place at the table, switching on the tape recorder.
4Speaking into a tape recorder halfway around the world, he urged action.
5For company he has dusty books, an antediluvian tape recorder and tapes.
1I turned both the radio and the tape machine up full bore.
2The tape machine was already set up and ready to go.
3Colonel Weber took a tape machine out of his briefcase and pressed play.
4That is, they were being played on a tape machine during the live call.
5The assistant medical examiner turned off the tape machine and extinguished the overhead lights.
1His fingertips were bleeding as he put it into the tape player.
2Dean Martin croons on my tape player about being king of the road.
3He switched off the tape player and made one last inspection.
4When I was finished, Durgin centered the tape player in front of him.
5Kennedy took the news without comment and placed a small tape player between them.
1REMEMBER when parties were powered by a CD player or tape deck?
2That's a lot less than a real 1980s radio and tape deck.
3Rick did, but all he could hear was Cade's tape deck playing.
4The lack of a tape deck, however, is a severe disappointment.
5Tells how twice this year his tape deckNa BlaupunktNhas been stolen.
6He then slides the portable tape deck across the table to Dr. Copper.
7I slide the cassette into the tape deck and press play.
8Her hi-fi and tape deck took up most of one wall.
9I couldn't imagine any one of them drooping lifelessly over a Kenwood tape deck.
10The stereo phonograph and tape deck were nestled inconspicuously in a corner wall unit.
11Rourke hit the tape deck; Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" came on.
12The bucket of glowing coals sat on the rear step, next to the tape deck.
13Mark shoves Black Flag into the tape deck.
14I slapped Aerosmith into the tape deck and punched up the volume when I hit Route 1.
15Renée pushed it along and Allie followed, carrying the tape deck, the music already playing, turned low.
16His gaze lands on the tape deck.
Translations for tape deck